Welcome to Grow for Schools

Some copy here discussing the 2 different options for schools. The special pricing for schools- email us to get login, tell us a but about your school.

People Who Use Grow Journals...

gratitude journals for resilience kids teens and adults
gratitude journals for emotional awareness kids teens and adults

Hi, we’re Jess and Caroline, long-time friends with backgrounds in Psychology and Design, Mums to 5 kids between us, and co-creators of the GROW Journals. 

Our mission is to make lives better from the inside out, because we know how much power there is in wiring our brains for optimism, self belief, and resilience. We wanted to find a way to help our kids and teens create these powerful mindsets. 

We also know how full life can be, so we wanted to make it easy. We took evidence based practices, and created simple, beautifully designed Journals that fit easily into life, and any child or teen can use to experience powerful, positive change.